Monday, November 9, 2009

Create a safe and loving envirovment for your child

The first and most important step in parenting is creating a safe and loving envirovment for your child. Your child needs a comfortable atmosphere to grow up in. This will help him or her to build a strong self-esteem, which is essential for having a successful and happy life. Here are few simple tips that could have a huge positive impact on your child's life:

1.Be a loving parent. Tell your child that you love him every day. Show your child that you love him. Give him plenty of hugs and kisses. Let him know how important he is to you.

2.Make sure that caregivers and family members are as loving as you are. Do not tolerate any verbal or physical abuse and if something doesn't seem right don't hesitate to speak up.

3.Play with your child and give her plenty of attention every day. After nap time, when your child is fed and ready to play sit down on the floor with her and play a game she likes. This will help her understand how important she is in your life. Make sure you play with your kid for at least one hour every day.

4.Have a healthy relationship with your partner! Avoid arguing in front of your child. Try to remain calm and do not raise your voice when resolving problems. Your kid learns everything from you. His perception of a normal relationship will be created by you and the relationship you are having with your partner. If you frequently fight and shout in front of you child, he will think that this is a normal way of comunication and he will eventually start yelling at his friends or siblings.

5.When playing with your child don't forget to encourage her imagination and tell her how smart and creative she is! Use positive adjectives when you're describing her personality. This will give her a lot of positive reinforsment and will help her growing self-esteem.

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