Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Did you know about the ultimate blog party?

Ultimate Blog Party 2010

I just read about it at Lucille in the sky and I joined right away! This is a great way to meet other moms and find their awesome blogs! In order to join the party go to: 5 minutes for mom and make sure you pick the prizes you want to win! The ones I picked are:

US39 - $250 gift card 2 night stay for a family of 4 at Hilton gardens
US11 - $100 Restaurant gift card
US112 - $50 Amazon gift card
US40 - 3 day 2 night stay at Holiday Inn at Kissemee, FL
US61 - $25 e-gift card at Toys are us!
US32 - $25 Target gift card
US37 - $20 Visa gift card
US114 - $25 Walmart gift card

Good luck!


  1. Welcome to the partay, Irena!

  2. I have heard great things about this. Is it just once a week? I would love to join in!

  3. Thanks, Lucy!

    Heather, I'm not sure if it's every week, but go ahead and join, I'm sure you'll have fun!

  4. Although I think I should be included in the blog party because I'm a doggy mom, I'm fairly certain that's not what Janice and Susan had in mind :p

    Thanks for commenting! Don't worry, I thought your links were lovely ;)
    It would be wonderful if you'd like to do a guest blog. Just email a new or old post of your choice, along with some basic info about yourself and your blog, to lambaround@gmail.com. I'll let you know when it's going to be posted and I'll link to your site :)

  5. Just stopping by from the UBP- nice to "meet" you!! Hope you have a great time- enjoy the UBP!!


  6. Thank you for becoming a follower:) and for your comment. I see you are a mommy blogger. I am following you too. No kids for me in the short/medium run but probably in the long run. It is interestin to read about kids and raising them

  7. Make sure you visit my blog and accept the awards on there. I didn't post specific bloggers because I want all my readers to take them, but I wanted to make sure that YOU take the awards because I so appreciate you reading my blog and leaving wonderful comments!

  8. I guess I missed this, but sounds like it was fun!

  9. I'm still partying! Woohoo! Nice blog!

  10. Thanks for your wonderful comments. It was a great party:) I wasn't one of the lucky winners, but still enjoyed it:)

  11. Irena,
    I see you added the carbon neutral button your blog! Yippee! I'd like to send you a free sewing or quilting pattern through e-mail. Will you e-mail me to let me know what you'd like? Thanks!


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