Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The world’s heaviest babies

I’m sure you’ve heard parents bragging about their 8 or 9 lbs. babies. But they probably have no idea that their kids are tiny compared to these giant babies:

In January of 1979 Anna Bates gave birth to a baby boy weighing 23 lb 12 oz (10.8 kg) and 30 in (76 cm.) long in OH, United States. The baby died shortly after the delivery, but he still holds the world’s record as the heaviest newborn. You probably wonder how could he be so big? Here is some insight: his mom was 7 feet 5 and a half inches tall and at birth she weighed approximately 18 pounds. Anna's parents and 12 siblings were at average size.

The world’s heaviest baby, who survived was born in 1955 in Italy. His mother, Carmelina Fedele is recognized by the Guinness Book of Records as having given birth to the largest baby by a healthy mother. Her son weighed 22 lb 8 oz (10.2 kg ).

Another large baby was born recently, in September of 2009 in Indonesia. The baby boy weights 19.2-pound (8.7 kg) and is 24.4 inches (62 cm) long. He’s the heaviest newborn ever recorded in the country. The baby’s size was a result of gestational diabetes.

Here is another record: my son is the heaviest baby born in our family! He was 8 lbs. 6 oz (3.900 kg) and 20 in (50 cm) long at birth. At 2 months, he already weighted 16 lbs (7.2kg) - quite small compared to the big babies above, but I still like to brag about it :)

Here is a very interesting article about human reproductive records


  1. This is so funny!! My girl only weighed 6lbs 7oz and now at 6 1/2 months she's still only 13 pounds. wow... :)

    Following back!! :) Cute blog!!!

  2. Thanks, Ali :) My little girl is almost 14 months old and she weights only 18 lbs. Her birth weight was 7 lbs and 3 oz, but she eats A LOT so I'm not too worried.

  3. Holy cow! Those are some huge babies! I'm glad your personal heaviest baby was just 8 pounds and not anywhere near the 20 pound range :p

    Lamb’s Most Recent Post: 3 Minute Toaster/Convection Oven Smores

  4. Yes, he was only 8 lbs and nearly killed me ;) haha! I don't know how the other women did it...


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